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Blog Tips to Help You Make Money Blogging - ProBlogger: 9 Blogging Secrets I Learned From Chris Brogan, ProBlogger, and John Chow BannerFans.com

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

9 Blogging Secrets I Learned From Chris Brogan, ProBlogger, and John Chow

9 Blogging Secrets I Learned From Chris Brogan, ProBlogger, and John Chow         

Blogging is a tough job!
During my pursuit of financial independence, I loved spending time in reading on other bloggers' writing. By reading through their archives, I have managed to find strength and inspiration when the going gets tough. My tribute goes to great bloggers like ProBlogger, John Chow, Steve Pavlina and Chris Brogan for making me in believing in what I'm doing. They inspire me to persevere. I shall share with you the 18 blogging tips that I've picked up from observing and reading their blogs.
1. Don't Resign From Your Full Time Job Yet
When you are all fired up, that's where the danger lurks. The first blogging secret applies to all of us who blog part time. We need the stable income from our job to probably to tide us through the first and second year of our new blogging business.
Imagine the stress you would have to go through if you resigned from your job spontaneously. How long could you last through the drought? Inspiration and stress do not correlate. The sad fact is, if you resigned from your job prematurely, you would be forced to look for a new job again.
2. Only Focus On One Blog At Any One Time
They all do it. ProBlogger, DoshDosh, John Chow and Chris Brogan don't stray from one blog to another! They all share a common trait called 'focus'. Focus would give you the strength to strife on because your mind won't need to strain on different genre of blogs or websites. Another thing about focus. When our mind focus on a particular object, we give life to it.
I used to tell you to try working on two blogs instead of one. The reason? So that you could continue to work once you run out of subjects for any one blog. After working on two blogs simultaneously for 3 months, I realized that I might actually be wrong. If you happened to blog part time, it's best that you concentrate just on one blog.
There is so much to do even when you are working on one blog. Do you know what else am I doing apart from writing on my post? My Tweetdeck is on, and I've logged in to my Facebook to engage my friends and building rapport, all for the sake of my How To Blog.org.
3. Be Active In At Least One Social Media Network
At the moment of this writing, John Chow has 3,998 friends in Facebook and oops, surprise surprise, only 398 followers in Twitter. ProBlogger (also known as Darren Rowse) has 3 Fan Pages in Facebook and 88,038 followers in Twitter. I could not find DoshDosh in Facebook (maybe you can help me out on this!) and Maki has 14,874 followers in Twitter. Top blogger like Chris Brogan is a superstar in Twitter, boasting a whopping 120,273 followers!
When you tweet about your latest blog updates, your followers may link to your post. Some may even retweet and help in spreading the word around. Such action will create inbound links from Twitter to your blog. Building links is one of the most important part of creating traffics to your website.
4. Comments On Other Bloggers' Post
ProBlogger said this many times. During the initial years of his blog business, he had spent an equal amount of time creating contents and commenting on other people's blogs. The reason; to get backlinks.
The best link building effort comes from getting a prominent blogger to put your url into his blogroll. Tons of backlinks will be created via such effort. I was fortunate enough to get a PR6 blog called Dr Shock to add my site in this way very early in my blogging effort. As a result, my 'How to Blog.org' just leaped from a PR0 to a PR2 website within 2 months!
However, your request for a link exchange from the big brothers are usually futile. By this, you just have to do the next best thing. You put comments on their post. Remember only to put smart comments and not just any spammy phrase like 'Great post. Thanks!'
5. Use Pictures And Videos
Google and many search engines favor the using of videos and pictures in your blog content. The best videos come from your own recording effort whereby you put in your own keywords for optimization. However, you are still able to use other people's work provided that you give due credit to that person.
6. Build Genuine Relationship
Your readers are intelligent human beings. They know how much effort you have contributed just by reading your content. Once you assumed your role as a blogger, you focus on your effort in adding value to your readers' knowledge.
Ask yourself, how could your content change your reader's outlook. Would your work open up a new perspective or would it just invoke a 'what's new' response? Think about how you would advise a dear friend when he or she hit a snag?
7. Love What You Are Doing
Only make blogging your business if you really love writing valuable contents for your readers. Although building a blog business consumes very little monetary cost, you invest your time in the building process. To me, time is priceless and no amount of money can really replace the time that you have spent. So, only spend this limited resource in something that you love.
8. Your Blog Is Serious Business
Look at these prominent bloggers' site and tell me what you observe? It's not just paying lip service when I said you have to treat your blog as a business.
Darren Rowse of Problogger started of as a lone ranger like most of us newbies. Look at his website now. He hires feature writers for Problogger.net and I'm sure he has accountants to keep track of his ROI as well.
9. Build Original Content
Writing original content is difficult. Since most of us do not write for a living, the urge to just link to other people's post is quite alluring.
Steve Pavlina always preaches about having our own original contents. You could just look at the comments readers make in his blog to gauge how much they love his contents. Creating your own original content would pull traffic to your blog. Linking would push your hard earned traffic to other people's website. In other words, you became the middle-man that creates free inbound link to other bloggers.
I am Robin, a business manager, age 37 and is currently employed by a major organization in Malaysia. Until a year ago, I was adamant to work myself up the corporate ladder and subsequently, to end up as a Managing Director or a CEO of a Multi National Corporation.
Now, I've changed my mind. I want to be more ambitious. I want my own business, and what better way to start than to have my own websites and blogs that would drive in income for me. The beauty of building blogs are abundant. For one, you can do it part time.
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